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Westmill Co-op has 2192 members

The first 100% community owned onshore wind farm
to be built in the south-east of England

Westmill Wind Farm Cooperative

Read our latest newsletter

In the last five years over 10,000 people have visited our community owned windfarm at Westmill

Westmill Sustainable Energy Trust

wesetlogoWestmill Sustainable Energy Trust (WeSET) is the charity set up by members of both Westmill Wind and Solar Cooperatives to spread the benefits of Westmill to the wider community. We carry out a wide range of activities, the core being educational work, local energy conservation and renewable energy initiatives and arts projects. As well as arranging guided tours of the site, once every two years WeSET organise a large event to promote community energy to the general public. Our hope is to encourage others to set up similar community owned renewable schemes.

Westmill Wind-farm Co-op is a member of the Energy4All family of co-operatives.
Below are links to some of the other Co-ops in the Energy4all family: